Western Digital External Hard Drive

The reason for this purchase was that I could connect with a Firewire 800 to my new iMac.
The drive refused to activate via the firewire.
I then connected with the USB cable and the drive functioned as normal and is now up and running.
However I was not pleased that the drive was taking up a USB port so I contacted WD support.
This was the reply:
Download WD Drive Manager (Mac) This I did.
Down load My Book Studio Edition Firmware Update - Leopard Function.
The instructions for this down load seem very critical.
The first thing is states is that WD Anywhere Back Up MUST be turned off in the system tray Ugh!!? What is the system tray and what is more important where do I find it?
Next - The WD Button Manager MUST be uninstalled from the system. How do I uninstall this?
I know this post is a long one but I would be very pleased if anyone could help me. Being new to updates I do not have a lot of confidence and I do not want to damage my new machine.
John Marriott.