Trying to send an email with two video files attached, totalling just over 1.5GB has resulted in Entourage seizing up completely - can't quit it normally and can't use mi iMac running 10.6.8 until I Force Quit. Any ideas on how to unstick this jam? (no, I have never used Mail because I started with Entourage and all my stuff is in that app)
Could this be a problem with your ISP's mail server and not with Entourage. Entourage may be hanging up because your isp won't accept an email of that size. Could you send the videos in say two batches.
As a rule of thumb most ISPs refuse attachments -- single or combined in one email -- of more than 5Mb (Megabytes), although this will change as competition and technology develop. The limit may have something to do with storage on their servers rather than transmission time. If you still have a problem with a frozen app call your ISP and explain what you have tried to do. They will disentangle the situation for you.