
Dorchester July meeting

Avatar Drew McFarlane
" Euan will show us how he installed a 2�" SSD in a 2007/8 iMac."

Can someone please explain, in simple terminology, what Euan is going to do i?

Thanking you in anticipation.

I copied and pasted the top line from the e=mail that was sent to advertise the meeting. After the 2 there was a black diamond with a ? inside it followed by ".

I hope it makes sense to someone.

Re: Dorchester July meeting

Avatar Euan Williams
Hi Andrew,
I don't compose the meeting agendas nor the meeting notes, but it's always best to avoid pre-decimal fractions ("2.5 inch" is to be preferred over the traditional "one over two" format of pre-decimal days). Similar issues can affect accented type from 'darngarsted vurriner' languages.

The decimal phrasing is necessary as email and the web aren't yet fully backwards compatible.

To clarify: I was asked to fit a 2.5 inch Solid State (flash) drive into a 3.5 inch "spinning rust" hard drive holder in an older iMac, and was also given a generic 2.5 inch to 3.5 inch 'adaptor' (no suitable adaptors are sold for this purpose, see www.crucial.com).

It was the unintended result of an abundance of youthful certainties and technical enthusiasm coupled with insufficient research. "Enuff Sed." (Molesworth).

Members might be as much interested in the diagnosis of the old drive's 'problem' as in the issues and mechanics of the new (successful) SSD installation. Hope this clarifies things!

Re: Dorchester July meeting

Avatar Drew McFarlane
Thank you Euan.

I think I got the gist of what you were trying to tell me.