Is it possible to install Skype on a Mac and use it to talk to folk on a Windows PC with Skype installed? I am not interested but my wife is, and her friends (on Windows PCs) can't make the connection work. I would just like to be able to say it can or cannot be done. My wife has a Mac Book Pro about 2 years old.
I regularly converse with others who are using PC's, I don't think there is a problem.
There is another way to contact people and that is to use your mobile phone with "Viber" installed. This is entirely free and can be used worldwide. Whilst down under last year I was in constant contact with family using "Viber"
I too have been using Skype to see & talk to my family in the UK and Oz and PC users in France for years. Sometimes the 'line' is bad but no other problems. I have never tries the telephone part of the service.
I can't think what problem they might have.
Very many thanks for those two totally explicit and clear cut replies. Now I know that I can categorically refute the suggestion that the problem is because she is using a Mac. I don't want to get involved any further because then any problems that may arise will be my fault!
Make very sure that you have latest versions of Skype at both ends regardless of computer type - the pc version can be gutsy of not automatically telling you to update
I had a problem trying to contact a friend on mine on Skype on a PC but I could always contact my son who had a PC. We eventually put it down to the router which was a BT model which must have been blocking some ports