I have obviously by mistake clicked on something. Today, when I print Number documents (some I have been using for over a decade) only the grid appears together with those cells with coloured figures or background. All other cells showing with black figures on white background actually print blank. Disaster; what have I done? What should i unclick ?
Try this...... Duplicate the file, open the copy, select all, set fill background to white, select all, select text colour to black, print and check if it looks the same as the screen data. I suspect somewhere along the line you've managed to set opacity of some cells possibly, and if you are using colours to highlight cells, it could have been an accidental click..... Bit of a reach, but worth trying a "reset on a copy " before tinkering with the live data.
Well there goes my street cred! Thanks to an ink cartridge!!!! Glad it's ok, gotta hate those printer hardware folks.... Just as bad as tv guys NTSC never twice same colour....