Getting organised: DevonThink Pro 2 perhaps?

I am fed up with having various types of information on the same topic scattered all over the place e.g. - a few entries in Calendar; a card in Contacts; one or two email goodness knows where; a document of some sort filed away; a Note in Notes; a Messages chat .... you get the picture - all these bits are about one topic [and sometimes part of another too] that need to be tracked down and sometimes get overlooked..
There has to be an app for that.
The latest MacUpdate Bundle Offer has drawn my attention to DevonThink Pro 2 which I remember seeing around down the years. I have looked around and can't determine if DevonThink Pro 2 is an old version that needs a paid update or not.
There is not much in the way of reviews either.
Does anyone have experience of this application or another that might serve my purpose please?