( 1 ) When I import scanned photos from SD card to iphoto how can I keep them in the order I scanned them ?
( 2 ) When I import a photo from desktop to iphoto then trash the desktop photo I can see the photo in iphoto
but can't edit it because it can't find it. I have lost several. How should I do it ? Happy New Year.
Graham, I don't know if there is a way of keeping imports in the scanned order but perhaps you know they can be manually arranged after import from the top menu - View - Sort Photos - Manually then drag and drop.
Trashing the desktop photo I guess is trashing the original so iPhoto can't 'see' it. If iPhoto is similar to Lightroom, which I use, then the images showing in the Library window are 'virtual' ones with tags to the original. If you have cleared the trash then I would think you have lost the images. Otherwise drag them out of trash back to the desktop and iPhoto should find them ready for editing. Good luck and Happy New Year!
Thanks Trevor works a treat. Now for question (1). I scanned 1,250 negs in the day and a half I had the WAMUG scanner. They are totally mixed when I import them. I can't sort them manually. Any ideas?