I want to connect to my Laptop from my Panasonic TV. I have fitted a usb dongle to the set and this works very well watching on iPlayer, but I want to be able to look at my photos on the mac, and the TV says no media server. Can anyone suggest what software I need on my mac.
Depending on the TV you may have an HDMI input or a VGA socket
On your Macbook you may have a DVI output, a Thunderbolt out put or possibly a VGA output (I have not seen one on a Macbook)
Get a cable that bridges between the Macbook output and the TV input.
You can get
a DVI to HDMI cable
a Thunderbolt to HDMI cable
or a DVI to VGA adapter and then a VGA to VGA cable.
So select the cable to suit your output and input sockets.
On the TV use the input selector to receive the correct input.
Thank you Derek, but I am trying to do it wirelessly via wifi and the TV asks for a media server which I have no knowledge of. I have HDMI leads and have used them successfully.
I tried to connect to my Panasonic using the Twonky server which they supply details of in the TV packaging but I did not succeed so I go for the direct connection from the MacBook.