I have just obediently updated the OS on my iMac to 10.7.4 and it's done horrid things to the resolution. I now have choice of two only – 1900x1200 and 960x600. The former gives text which is small for my aged eyes, and the latter gives text which is ridiculously large. I have got some improvement in some applications fiddling with their Preferences but on the whole it's awful. Any solution to this resolution problem would be welcome. (Perhaps I should add that I am still using a Mouse and I wonder whether there would be any improvement if I got this trackpad thingy for Lion or whatever it's called?).
Hi Alan, sorry about the eyes. I doubt that the trackpad/mouse issue is relevant although the trackpad unlocks some useful options.
On my laptop Lion (10.7.4) offers the full range of seven display resolutions (excluding the stretched ones) -- provided that I look for them within System Preferences > Displays. The ancillary menu at the top of the screen (switched on in SysPrefs Displays as an option) offers just two resolutions, if the "stretched" option is excluded. Your Mac and screen will probably have different resolutions, but the options shown may be the similar. Does this help?
If only. I have double checked Displays in System Preferences and there are only the two options - those already described. Christopher at Solutions thinks it might just possibly be due to the MBP being a bit elderly. Someone else thinks there may be a way of reminding the machine that things were better in the old days - like last Sunday. Oh for the good old days.