I have tried to create a new ring tone following the method demonstrated by Mick (or as much of it as I could remember).
I made a ring tone of around 22 seconds. However transferring it to the iPhone via iTunes and thence onto the iPhone resulted in an 8 second version. What should I be doing to move the whole of the ring tone?
Not sure Michael. I made a 30 second tone in GarageBand, transferred it to iTunes and it seems to be 30 seconds long - although I try not to let it ring for the full time!
What was the length shown in iTunes? i.e. was it the transfer to iTunes that shortened it to 8 seconds or that from iTunes to iPhone?
Just tried an experiment. I sent it to iTunes and it shortened it to 8 seconds! Why, I don't know as it's never shortened any other songs. When I used the "send ringtone to iTunes" I got a message telling me my (30 second long) song need to be 40 seconds or less! And yes, the end marker was set on 30 seconds. However, I clicked the Adjust button to let iTunes adjust it and then the ringtone went across - as 32 seconds.
As there's a new version of iTunes almost every day ;-) it may well be that the version I (and you) have now has made a small change from the version I was using at demo time.
Erm.... Where is the Adjust button. Can't see it in either iTunes or garageband and it desn't appear on the iPhone. I have succeeded through blind fumbling (always the best kind I believe) in getting the ring tone to (appear to be) 22 seconds, but haven't succeeded in getting it to move from iTunes onto the iPhone.
The answer lay in Garageband. There was a yellow bandon the row top of the Garageband window on this particluar file which extended over the first 5 (not 8) seconds of the tune. Dragging to extend it to the full 22 seconds and sending the result to iTunes produced the message that you got, Mick and the Adjust button came up. After that all was plain sailing and if you're very good I'll let you hear the ring tone when next we meet!
Did you know you can now do custom vibrations in iOS now as well.... just turn on the custom vibro in the accessibility area of general controls and voila! for custom by person vibros, edit the contact and add the custom vibe..... mmmmmmmm