I am running iPhoto 09 and would like to delete a lot of old photos that I really don't want taking up disc space any more. This however does not seem easy! In Library- Photos, I have been able to delete some by selecting the photo and then under Photos, selecting 'move to trash'. This seemed to work for a while but now the photo either doesn't move or stays as an outline in the Library. I have emptied the trash in iPhoto but this hasn't helped. Is there a better way?
I normally just select the photos then hit the delete key. Make sure that you aren't viewing them in an album at the time though otherwise you will simply remove them from the album rather than delete them.
thanks for this Trevor. This is basically what I have been doing but it seems to work slowly and only for deleting a small number of photos at a time. This is frustrating as I wanted a real good clear out! I shall clearly have to proceed at a more leisurely pace.
If you need to delete photos from several events, you may find it easier to flag them as you work your way through and you can then delete all the flagged photos in done go. Do check this first though - although the 'Flagged' category in the sidebar works like a Smart Album in many respects, I think that deleting photos from here does indeed move them to the Trash rather than just unflag them.