My daughter's 13inch Macbook refuses to play the soundtrack on Youtube videos. It works properly on other websites e.g. the Ruby Turner one, and it plays CDs perfectly. Her service provider is TalkTalk. I've told her that ther is more than one genius in this group so she is expecting a result toute suite!
Has your daughter noticed the volume control at the bottom right corner of the video screen when the mouse hovers over it? (The slider should move up and down in sync with the volume control at the top of your MacBook screen).
Have you checked that your MacBook is running the latest version of Adobe's Flash (they change with alarming regularity in response to security issues). It may be worth removing the flash files from their current position with Adobe's uninstaller and reinstalling from Adobe's website. One set of links for that site is here.
Otherwise: repairing permissions and a "safe boot" followed by a normal restart just might help. Please always say what version of Mac system software (and which Mac is in question) when asking for advice, it can really help you.
Good Luck, and let's hear it (nice and loud) for the young!
All done!
When she arrived with the MacBook she'd already discovered that she'd inadvertently muted youTube; but we updated the Flashplayer anyway and everything is now OK. Thank you.