I have just discovered, that after I have logged out of my HSBC internet banking site, I can return to my account details by using the swiping gesture new to Lion. I have notified the bank of this so hopefully they will introduce a modification.
I don't know if this is possible with other internet banking sites but it would be worth a check.
Thanks for this Lionel ..what is the "swiping gesture" ? .....I normally reset safari ( with all the boxes ticked to clear everything ) after any banking online ...would this negate the swiping gesture you are talking about or not ?
I have just tried with Barclays, and when I used the swipe gesture the original page appeared then the page went blank and which ever way I swiped I didn't get back to the logged on page. I would suggest Lionel when you have finished that you quit using cmd-alt-Qthat gets rid of everything
The swiping gesture is when in Safari and using a touchpad , using two fingers you swipe them horizontally across the touchpad and it brings up the previous page.
Thank you for alerting me Lionel.
I have just tried logging on to HSBC on my iPad, logged out and then back spacied in safari and found the page there that I thought I had logged off from.
That's a bit serious and unexpected.
Just seen the answer for Lion in the thread about M/S Office!
We certainly need some sort of search facility if these gems of wisdom are to be found again.
I wonder if Chris could find the time if he thinks it worth it.
The advice in the thread you mention only works when you quit the application. Advice from HSBC is that after logging off from internet banking you should empty the cache in Safari and this should prevent the problem. I found that the problem also occurred with Barclays although it very quickly changed to the login screen.
We don't currently do internet banking but no doubt we will have to succumb eventually. Would it be a good idea to have a separate user account exclusively for this purpose?
I'm an HSBC user but I have a few of those key pad entry and button dongles for my accounts, and so what you are describing as a problem, I can't make happen in my world, so do you not have the dongles for your accounts?