Preparing for Lion - solutions for life without Rosetta

The developer has a discounted upgrade path so in case I am not alone here is his message:
The price of version 9 is £39.95, we will offer it to you for the very special upgrade price of £24.95 in exchange for your old disk.<br />
You can see details of this latest programme here:-<br />
<br />
If you would like to take advantage of this special upgrade price, then please call Sales on freephone 0800 91 93 91 quoting the code DRB9UP and they will sort that out for you.
[italic]1) Any old British birds versions will be allowed the special upgrade offer to Version 9 to work natively on Lion.
2) Any old European BIrds programmes can have a special upgrade offer to BWPi 2.0.2
3) BWPi versions upto 2.0.1 need to upgrade to the current version 2.0.2 which runs natively on Leopard, Snow leopard , and Lion. – various upgrade offers depending on which version they have.
4) BBi works natively on Leopard, Snow leopard , and Lion.
5) DVD-ROM Guide to British Butterflies works natively on Leopard, Snow leopard , and Lion.
6) British Birds version 9 works natively on Leopard, Snow leopard , and Lion.
If anyone has any problems with any of our programmes, please just ask them to let me know.
Kind Regards, Pete
Pete Ellison BirdGuides Technical Support [undisclosed email] [undisclosed telephone][/italic]