
Much Ado about Hype

Avatar Euan Williams
Catchily vacuous headline (irresistible) but here's the thing:

TUAW “The Unofficial Apple Website” has published several web pages, with discussions, about the possible demise of iWeb and the dissolution of MobileMe into iCloud. They focus on potential replacements for iWeb.

Ten ways to replace iWeb and MobileMe hosting

Ten WYSIWIG HTML editors for Mac OS X (Updated)

Near the end of the second page about HTML editors is this paragraph -- with web links:
“Hype sells for $29.99 in the Mac AppStore [£17.99 limited time price in UK AppStore] and is an amazing HTML5 WYSIWYG editor. Created by two Apple engineers it's gaining rave reviews and can be used to create animated websites.”

Hype is just at release 1.x and obviously it's early days (no embedded fonts yet), but using pure HTML5 means that sites can be viewed on Apple mobile devices -- which don't accept Flash.

Tutorial videos are here, and the AppStore offers user comments: think an early Pages, with animation, and uploading instead of printing.

Since Apple is much inclined to banish Flash so far as possible (crashes, malware and CPU cycles), maybe this HTML5 editor will be a useful solution for iWeb users. Perhaps Apple will one day buy it if it grabs market share. Anyone tried it yet? What do you think?

Re: Much Ado about Hype

Avatar Euan Williams
Woops! "think an early Pages, with animation, and uploading instead of printing." should read: "think an early KEYNOTE or Pages..."

Re: Much Ado about Hype

Avatar Trevor Hewson
Thanks Euan, it's nice to know there are options, even though none of them will be hassle-free.

When Freeway split into it's Express and Pro incarnations, there was something important missing from the Express version, which caused me to go down the Pro route. With the advent of Lion, I expect another expensive Freeway upgrade will be needed so I guess my first move should be to see if I can now downgrade to Express. Now, if only I could remember what drove me to Pro in the first place!

My iWeb-generated content is essentially photo albums and video pages, an area where my version of Freeway Pro (4.4.2) is distinctly clunky. However the latest version of Freeway Express does seem better so maybe re-building the iWeb pages won't be too hard. One way or another though, I reckon I'm looking at a month or two's work. The price of progress!

Re: Much Ado about Hype

Avatar Derek Wright
I am not worried about how to create web sites - but where to put them when they are created - MobileMe was great for me - lots of space and now that person of undefined parentage is pulling the plug on web space - second time in three years.

I would not be surprised if they do not pull the plug on OSX and computers as it is not a "cool" area to operate in and requires the customer to think and plan.

Re: Much Ado about Hype

Avatar Euan Williams
Adobe's new 'Muse' a coding-free website creation tool related to inDesign and Illustrator and based on Adobe Air is now available as a (free) public Beta.

It seems not to be particularly compatible with Adobe's redoubtable Dreamweaver software, and will be marketed through Adobe's subscription service rather than by one-time purchases.

For the free Public Beta and explanatory videos see this URL:

For an early review:
CNET news and reviews.

Re: Much Ado about Hype

Avatar Mark Ford
It will, unfortunately, have a subscription cost once it is out of beta - about £110 a year!
[PS Can you edit the title of this thread Euan - anyone interested in iWeb is most unlikely to find it?]