free but useful iPad and iPhone Apps

News readers
Flipboard - magazine aggregator
Eyewitness - guardian paper photos and tips.
NG Magazine - National Geographic (non subscription)
BBC News
Dragon dictation - speech to text.
SimpleMind+ for mind maps ( I use this to track family tree and business relationships.)
Waitrose app for their weekly offers ( my mum likes to check for her favourite biscuits)
Shazam - for finding ANY piece of music and discovering who it is... Bloody priceless.
Rotator - to rotate pictures that the photo app cant.
appbox lite - swiss army knife of apps.
Converter free for the things app box doesnt do.
C.A.R - what to do in the event of an accident.
Checkword Lite - If you play scrabble this is a must.
Epicurious - for cooks who like style.
AirBnB - help you to find a weekend getaway.
ioweyou to keep track of loaning and borrowing things
TED inspiration for the world.
SKY+ if you have Skytv this is a must to record stuff when you are not at home.
Bump - use bluetooth to transfer biz cards between devices.
BBC iPlayer to catch up...
Whitenoise - a soothing snoozer to fall asleep with
Tally counter - to count stuff.
there are maps and timetables for nearly everywhere, London Tube map is great.
TMS lite - Package tracking for Fedex, UPS etc....
specifically for iPhone:-
RedLaser - to scan a barcode and find out where you can buy the same thing cheaper....
FC - Fake calls so you can guarantee to get a call you need to take in the next "N" minutes.
what the font - take a picture of a few letters and find out which font it is....shazam for fonts.
TimeTo - and event countdown timer.
Check Please - to split a bill at a restaurant.
looseIt - for weight watchers.
Road Trip LE to keep track of car mileages.
Marquee- I use this to tell the barman what I want in a loud club.... or sign someone from across a room....!
Remember its not a matter of those who die with the most apps win, it is in fact finding the tools to help you in your daily life, so I havent included the space related apps that tell me about new exoplanets or phases of the moon, or the nasa news, because those are likely unique to my taste, and this list should be a bit more usefully generic...
And my number ONE app which is not free, is Things on iPad, iPhone and Mac... the secret to getting things done.!!
Great to meet new faces and see the regulars last night in dorchester....see you all in bournemouth next.- G