A sub group specifically for Mac Techies?

The kind of subjects I want to see and talk about would include:
For CocoaHeads:
Developing iPhone/iPad Apps
Marketing your iApps
Mac OS X Development
Software Version Control
Using Core Data
Developing for the Mac App Store.
The Joy of Objective-C.
Using AppleScript.
Other less development but still technically orientated subjects could include:
Mac OS X Server - Discussion why it's useful to have on your network through to configuring your own server...
Data sharing in a heterogeneous network. i.e. Techniques in data sharing across UNIX, Linux and Windows systems.
Running Virtual Machines - Parallels - Installation tips for the more obscure operating systems.
Remote Support Options. VNC, Apple Remote, iChat, Skype
Running Linux with Macs.
Building a database driven website - PHP, WebObjects...
UNIX Command Line tips and techniques.
I think the benefits of such a subgroup would help attract more experienced Mac users into the group itself.
The location of such a meeting would be at Crumpets Farm, Lytchett Matravers, Poole. Time would be a Sunday afternoon.
Would anyone be interested in coming to such a meeting and more importantly, would anyone have any objections for such a 'sub group' to be formed within WAMUG?