
On-line storage databases. Advice needed please

Avatar Mark Ford
I am entering unknown territory and would appreciate advice please:
The Dorset County Museum has agreed to let a research group that I am part of store pictures on their servers as an archive for posterity. The pictures will have meta data that enquirers may want to use to search [GPS for example].
To start me off I need to know:

Do I provide a database framework which gets uploaded to the server?
If so what might be suitable?

I suspect there will be copyright issues and perhaps even freedom of info issues if they use the DCC servers.
As you can see this is unknown territory for me and I would be very grateful for a firm steer!

Re: On-line storage databases. Advice needed please

Avatar Mark Ford
Thanks for ringing Mick - the depth of my ignorance could not have been filled by a paragraph or two here!
I still have a considerable way to go but I am off in the right direction now.