
iChat on Mac to PC

Avatar John Marriott
OK so its a PC problem! Having got that out of the way is there any way that someone with an iMac can set up a Chat with someone with a PC which has an in built web cam? The PC is new. The person with the PC does not want to use Skype because they have had problems in the past.
I use an account from AIM in my iChat. Can I they use the same method I used to set up my iChat with AIM on a PC?
This may sound simple but I have been told that it cannot be done from Mac to PC. and vice versa.
John Marriott

Re: iChat on Mac to PC

Avatar Douglas Cheney
The only way you can chat with a PC is on Skype and it is quite good

Re: iChat on Mac to PC

Avatar Mick Burrell
To connect to iChat, the Windows user can use the AOL Instant Messenger programme (AIM!) that's a free download from their site. I think that Yahoo messenger will work too. MSN Messenger will not.