Prodigal son need a phone...
Gordon Clyne
Hi all, As a newbie to the uk, I want an iPhone 4 and I'd like to hear the pros and cons of the various carriers, orange, O2, vodaphone etc. I live in kings somborne, and don't know who owns the big cell tower I can see about 100 meters away, but clearly they would have the best coverage at my home. Also, a very naive question, but if you go with one carrier, the others have to handle your traffic for free right? Anyone know how the various plans differ and what pitfalls to watch for? Reason I ask is i've been living in the USA for years, at the mercy of AT&T and hope that the uk has better things to offer.
Also id like to say thanks to all the dorchester folks who had to put up with me on Tuesday, I'll certainly be back!