My subscription to MacUser is coming to an end and I need a change. I won't bore you with what's wrong with it for me but if you subscribe to a magazine you think is great - tell us all why and help me choose my next one.
Thanks Trevor - what sort of thing does iCreate cover? Does it do the usual "new product reviews" and Apple news etc.? I assumed from the name it's aimed at creative professionals. Is that correct?
I have also just stopped my subscription to MacUser, after having a subscribed since 1992. Since retiring from print, I just found it became increasingly irrelevant. They used to do brilliant hardware reviews, but in recent years they became very ordinary.
I subscribed to iCreate for a year, but found it covered too wide a spectrum of interests. For me, there seemed little point in paying for a mag, that covered tutorials on programs I don't own and have no interest in. I find it's cheaper just to buy a manual for those that I use.
At present, I subscribe to Macworld and MacFormat, but on balance for what I need, I think MacFormat is the one I will continue with. Lets face it, most of the news is pretty old hat by the time the mags get published. For my money, it's still the reviews and general interest in Apple kit that make a mag worth buying.
Yep, iCreate is expensive and large portions of it will not be of interest to any particular reader. It does do news and reviews but the reviews aren't very deep and it does major on the tutorials. It also covers iPad, iPod and iPhone apps so it does perhaps try to be broad in scope. I haven't read MacUser or MacFormat for many years so can't make any comparative comments.
Mick. Well looking through the October editions, there are around 20 reviews in each title. On balance, I think for my taste, Macworld do a slightly better review, than Macformat.
I feel there is a little too much emphasis on games in Macformat for my taste. But I do enjoy the articles and slightly more UK centred feel of the mag.