Not familiar with Adobe Studio 3 but if you do a search on Snow Leopard compatibility, you should find a list of what works. Having said that, it may by now be out of date.
David, perhaps you mean Creative Suite-3. Adobe maintains support discussion sites where many odd and arcane problems are aired and you may like to check these; they work in a roughly similar way to Apple's, and there is an option to receive posts by others on the same topic via email as they appear.
Experience with CS-2
Creative Suite-2 versions of Photoshop and Illustrator work fine in Snow Leopard 10.6.4, but InDesign CS-2 does have occasional problems. These are easily, if temporarily, solved by trashing (some) InDesign preference files and throwing away the temporary > .idlk < file which opens (and should close, but doesn't when ID freezes) in the same folder as the file you are working on. No permanent solution so far, other than to upgrade CS, however CS-3 may not suffer from this.
Note: CS-2 is now the oldest version to get a valuable upgrade discount from Adobe, and CS-5 is INTEL only.
Pay close attention to using only "official" letters and symbols in file names. Apple tightened up a lot on this in S-L to improve unix convention compatibility, such as not using the / which, classically, is a file path level indicator (eg: > root/applications/itunes <. These can cause InDesign freezes too, although that improved with S-L updates.
Snow Leopard is now quite modestly priced on Amazon. Snow Leopard is well worth their reduced asking price, CS-2 InDesign glitschs and all.