
Photoshop CS2 on Intel Macs

Avatar Roy Rainford
Is anyone running CS2 on an Intel Mac please? I have CS2 on my G5 iMac but if/when I buy a new iMac I don't want to have the cost of CS5 as well.

Re: Photoshop CS2 on Intel Macs

Avatar Euan Williams
Hi Roy,
yes, Adobe CS2 is alive and well on my Intel MacBook 5,2 running Snow Leopard 10.6.4. There used to be three bugs, now just one:

1. InDesign likes to have all referenced Illustrator files saved as .ai (pdf compatible) files rather than .eps or it has a tantrum. Fix? open the .eps and save as .ai - simples.

2. "illegal" letters and symbols in file names: check Apple support advice, but this has been improved or solved with (if I remember right) 10.6.3.

3. There is a third tendency for occasional 'hangs' with InDesign; haven't solved why, but the fix is simple when it happens, and i'll post it if anyone is interested.

Photoshop, Illustrator and Acrobat Pro both work well.

Leopard 10.5.8 seems to cause fewer InDesign issues, so you could choose a refurb/discontinued Leopard-capable Mac.

I put up with the inDesign glitch since I enjoy Snow Leopard so much!

From now on (until CS6 is on sale) CS2 is the oldest version for which an Adobe upgrade path is available. See their website.

Don't forget to de-register CS2 before system upgrades and when swapping machines. Adobe are quite forgiving about this so long as you have the correct serial numbers, but it's worth avoiding the hassle.

Hope this helps,

Re: Photoshop CS2 on Intel Macs

Avatar Roy Rainford
Many thanks Euan. Good to hear about practical experience. Roy.