I use a Netgear DG834Gv4 router and I noticed that the firmware was out of date. When I downloaded the relevant upgrade it came as an img file which is a PC file type. When I contacted Netgear support I was told that the router could not be upgraded from a Mac and that I should use a PC to do it. This seems to be a recent change by Netgear because I am sure I have updated the firmware on an earlier Netgear router. Good routers they may be but this casts a shadow over Netgears for Mac users, particularly as the configurations for ADSL are subject to change from time to time. It is difficult to tell how important firmware upgrades are, but when you are scrabbling for any extra mb you can squeeze out of a rural adsl line you need all the help you can get.
I had what appeared to be some success. Although I was not able to upload the update using Safari, I gave up after half an hour, I was able to upload the update using Camino (a Mozilla browser). My glee was short lived, however, as I then found that the Modem router would not work at all and just greeted me with a red blinking power light. Nothing I have done since has resurrected it. The factory reset button does nothing, switching it on and of an on again does nothing. I cannot even access its control panel using any browser. Hurling it out of the window seems a tad extreme. I am reminded of the old and so true adage, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". Be warned!
I have reverted to my older Zoom X6 modem router which so far is doing the job and Incidentally has a boosted wireless speed of 125Mbps which is just a little bit slower than a "n" series router
It was about two years old. The replacement arrived today and is working well. I have noticed that the firmware is stlill the 09 version, but I think I will leave it that way.