Google Buzz
Lionel Ogden
I was surprised to read in the Tech column of the Observer this week that if you are a subscriber to googlemail then you are automatically subscribed to Google Buzz their new Social Networking site. Not only that but all the senders of your received messages and the receivers of your sent messages are automatically added to your "friends". These are publicly viewable until you log on and choose otherwise.Naughty Google! They got very upset about the Chinese authorities hacking into their site and then they hand any repressive regime in the world the ability to check anyone's e-mail contacts by just going to their Buzz account. Anyone who thout Googlemail may be more secure than ordinary e-mail may need to think again.
Apparently the first time you realise it is when you receive a cryptic e-mail in your googlemail in box. However in view of the fact that I have not yet noticed this particular e-mail, it could be that Buzz is not yet available for the Mac. Be warned an be aware.