Has anyone any suggestions on how to open up this file type? I see it is a Microsoft Publisher file extension but all the 'readers' seem to be just for PC's - as ever!
Who will be the first member to get their hands on a lovely iPad?!
Hi David,
First: Microsoft Publisher is only any use at all on an office printer. Printers in the Bristol area reputedly agreed NEVER to accept files from it.
Your best course is to either
(1) persuade the sender to export the file as a .pdf from MS Publisher, then re-send the file, or
(2) to go online and convert it there or
(3) attempt to get it to open on a virtual Windows set-up (not recommended!)
For (2) look here >> http://www.maclife.com/article/howtos/open_microsoft_publisher_files << which offers instructions for using >> pdfonline.com/convert-pdf <<
Google offers a wide discussion if you search for >> microsoft publisher for mac <<
If this doesn't work for you, the only recourse is another helping of Irish stew! (Best to Mrs F.)
Many thanks Ewan, we resolved the problem which involved an Irish connection but not any Irish stew - regrettably!! We sent the attachment to Mary's brother (in Ireland!) who converted it and returned it as a PDF file but I will check out the links you gave in your reply, out of interest. David