The Mistletoe Bough

If you don't like folk music start at about sixteen minutes in; you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll sing along!
I very much want to buy this programme on DVD but I suspect it is not available, and it will only be on the iPlayer for a few more days. Before anyone mentions the word 'copyright' I ought to say that I've decided to forgive the BBC for being the most bloated and corrupt quango in England; I'll be renewing my television licence tomorrow and I won't sue the dastards for breach of contract because I can only get about eight crummy channels since they went digital, and that with a lot of popping and squawking and picture freezes. Goodness knows, I was happy with the four channels of crap I already had, I really didn't need all that extra.
I shouldn't want anyone to tell me anything publicly that some people would consider naughty, not that I would ever follow such instructions, I only ask in the interests of scientific research.
[undisclosed email]