encryption in itunes - help with a protected file
Thomas Maude
Can anyone point me in the direction of a free App to take out the encryption from an itunes protected mp4 audio file. Just to clarify that I need the encryption out to be able to use it in an iphoto slideshow of family photos to be created and sent out to family abroad. Basically every time I go to burn the slideshow it won't burn because it see's the music is one of the very early downloads from itunes and has encryption in it.I've thought about making the slideshow in imovie but there are hundreds of photos and I'll be using around a dozen pieces of music so I don't want to spend hours ( possibly days) of creating something that then when I exit it won't burn in order to share.
I use mactheripper for sharing very selected old documentary films that I pay a lot of money for as they are digitised old masters with friends and family and it works a treat ... basically I'm looking for something that does the same as that but specifically with audio .. for example handbrake won't touch it ....
Just to clarify once more this is one specialist composer that I need decrypted ( does such a word exist ! ) in order to share with family not as a mass copying exercise.