
Let's Party (or not)...

Avatar Euan Williams
Fellow WaMug members: here is a whole new concept for running our meetings ;-).

The sub-texts beggar belief!


Re: Let's Party (or not)...

Avatar Mark Ford
I am convinced - where do we sign up?

Re: Let's Party (or not)...

Avatar Mark Ford
This is a splendid antidote:

Re: Let's Party (or not)...

Avatar Mick Burrell
Euan, if you're going to point us at things like that, you really should advise us to have a bucket within easy reach!

Re: Let's Party (or not)...

Avatar Mark Ford
In the red corner: Microsoft's grinning robots. In the blue corner: the Brotherhood of the Mac. Which is worse?http://tinyurl.com/ycuxrj7

Re: Let's Party (or not)...

Avatar Lionel Ogden
Peace my son!
Stroke your iPod while uttering the mantra c-u-p-e-r-t-i-n-o for thirty seconds and all will be well.

Re: Let's Party (or not)...

Avatar Eleanor Spenceley
Windows 7 Party Decision Tree.


Know anyone who would invite us to go along? Windows 7 is supposed to be really good, I gather from recent TV adverts even 5 year olds can use it.
Besides, I think it's time for a change, I feel I'm missing out on all that security software Windows has got.

Also, since Windows 7 is looking more Mac like that ever, I wonder if the club should create a subgroup for such users.


Re: Let's Party (or not)...

Avatar Thomas Maude
On a recent family holiday last week my only means of communication was my sisters lap top running windows which was a novel experience in many ways ... after a week of using it I came up with a description based purely on my experience and quiet unscientific in any way but it had all the feeling and handling and compatibility of a driving a car which had been screwed and welded together using four different manufactures parts .... the manufactures in question would be Vauxhall, Ford, Leggo and Scalectric ! and just for the record I wasn't the only one couldn't FIND anything on the system non of the rest of the family who use windows for home and work for years could either ... and yes it's nice to be back home behind the wheel of the trusted Mercedes!