Utilities on Snow Leopard

> http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-13727_7-10345860-263.html?tag=mncol;txt <
CleanMyMac 1.5.4 - Clean up your Mac & free up hard drive space with a few clicks. (SNOW LEOPARD)
TinkerTool System 2.1 - Professional all-in-one maintenance tool. (SNOW LEOPARD)
DiskWarrior 4.2 - Maintain, repair, and recover system disk/drive data. (SNOW LEOPARD)
Drive Genius 2.2.1 - Storage management: maintain, manage, optimize. (SNOW LEOPARD)
Apple ODBC Administrator Tool 1.0 - Enables database administration of ODBC-compliant data sources. (SNOW LEOPARD)
SuperDuper 2.6.1 - Backup, clone, and restore your information. (SNOW LEOPARD)
Yasu 2.6.3 RC1 - Run system shell scripts to perform maintenance routines and clear cache files. (SNOW LEOPARD)
MacCleanse 1.4.7 - Scan and delete unnecessary files on your Mac. (SNOW LEOPARD)
Spotless SLE 3.0 - Disable or enable Spotlight volume indexing in 10.6. (SNOW LEOPARD)
Snow Leopard Cache Cleaner 5.0 - System maintenance, optimization, antivirus. (SNOW LEOPARD)
MenuMeters 1.4b1 - Menu extras: CPU, disk, memory & network monitoring. (SNOW LEOPARD)
Rember 0.3.5b - GUI wrapper for the Memtest CLI memory/RAM tester. (SNOW LEOPARD)
Pacifist 2.6.3 - Extract individual files out of installer packages. (SNOW LEOPARD)
SleepLess 2.6.3 - prevents sleep without changing system settings. (SNOW LEOPARD)