OFFER: - 25% Off Personal, 50% Off Business version

As the name suggests, it's geared to keeping track of your personal bank accounts and finances as well as analysing just what you've spent your money on. It's totally flexible and can be set up just the way you want giving you up-to-date balances all the time as well as warning if you'll go overdrawn. It allows you to set monthly budgets, automatically enter standing orders and direct debits and even give a graphical representation of your transactions. It's received awards and nominations from various publications including The Daily Express.
OFFER: Available from their website with the promotion code MB99 which runs from now till the end of September to give 25% off Personal Accountz and 50% off Business Accountz, what information would you like? I can describe what they do in a few words if it helps.
Mick Burrell is a user of this software, so if you require any further information please contact him directly.