I have a chum who is fortunate enough to be able to spend only half the year in Brownland and the other half in France. He is as tight as a d AHEM, sorry about that, compelled to be frugal, and would like to have broadband in both countries. Is there a means of doing this without paying twice?
Yes - mobile broadband from the like of BT or Vodaphone. He'll only pay once ;-) but having two fixed lines may be cheaper. I'm pretty sure broadband is tied to the phone line so you can't even use the same account at two different locations in this country.
I guess it depends how much he wants, or is able to pay. I suppose he pays for his phone in Sarkosyland as well as Britain so it may be cheaper in the long run to have a broadband supply on each line, Mobile broadband as a regular service is not cheap. Perhaps your friend should look at Orange which has services in both Britain and France.
Thank you Mick and Lionel;
I'm sure broadband is tied to the phone line, and he has a landline in both countries. I imagine that Broadband via a mobile phone connection would cost a lot. It did occur to me that with a special deal from, for instance, BT, you can effectively get BB for next to nothing if you have your phone calls from the same provider. This is something I'm ruminating on for when my present contract expires. I shall now have a look at the Orange website!