BT iPlate
Lionel Ogden
There have been some reports in the Mac press recently about this relatively new gadget. It costs just over £9 and fits between the main body and the socket plate of your BT Master Socket. It takes about two or three minutes to fit with no alteration to the wiring itself and is alleged to improve your Broadband performance by filtering out stray bits of electrical interference which can be picked up by the telephone wiring system in your house.I live about 2.5 miles from the local exchange and on my Plusnet adsl service I got a pretty consistent 3.5 to 4.0 mbps download speed depending on the time of day and the consequent contention issues. After fitting an iPlate there was a slight improvement of about 0.5mbps.
It is said that improvements of up to 1.5 mbps can be achieved. However I had improved the wiring on my internal extensions so I suppose there was not much more to be had. Roll on fibre optics!
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