My photos have been building up on reliable eMac for 5 years. I was just thinking about transfering them to new m/c when suddenly it says "you have no library. This can't be true, could it be hiding somewhere?
It helpfully offered to create a new library called 'library_1'. Was that the wrong offer to accept?
In 10.3.9 your iPhoto library will be stored in homefolder/Pictures. Check to see if it's there and called iPhoto Library. In iPhoto v2 (which I think came with Panther) if it can't find this it should offer you the create new option you mention but also Find Library. If your library is in the standard place with the standard name, it should not need to find it. If it's elsewhere or called something different, use the Find Library option to navigate to it. Don't point it to your library_1 file if you did in fact create that. If you did and it now shows you that empty library, rename it to something else so it can't find it and try the find option again.
If you've upgraded iPhoto to a later version, try starting iPhoto with the Option (alt) key held down to give you the Find Library option.