Back to my Mac
Tony Sullivan
Has anybody actually got BTMM to work? I have been Googling this till my eyes bleed for the last month, and have found that for a very small number of people, it just 'works' - very Apple. For a bigger number of people, it NEVER works, whatever they do. (Not so Apple) And for the rest, it starts off not working, then after one of a myriad number of fixes (all different for different people) then it magically starts working. I am currently in the middle category. I have tried everything on the web (Apple pages and otherwise), engaged in a lovely 2 hour iChat with Amy L. from Mobile Me, who checked that all my settings were right, and been in to see a 'Genius' at the Southampton store, who was more bewildered than I was, and I am about to give up altogether. I have a Belkin 7633 uk version modem/router, and have punched all the required holes in the firewall, but it still steadfastly refuses to connect. I spend a lot of time away from home in hotels, and would dearly love to access the files on my home mac from the road. Has anybody got any ideas?