
Safari persisting in autofilling old email address in forms

Avatar Tricia Gray
Apologies if I haven't worded the subject and/or my description correctly. I used to serve on a committee which had email addresses for all the officers e.g. programme.secretary@my organisation.com. My term finished so someone else filled the post and I deleted all reference to the address as pertaining to me in Contacts and anywhere else I could think of but Safari persists in suggesting this address at the top of its list when I am filling in info on websites. Any thought on how I can resolve this?
Thanks in advance.

Re: Safari persisting in autofilling old email address in forms

Avatar Stuart Affleck
Tricia, at risk of stating the obvious, have you tried clearing the relevant settings in Safari itself (Settings>AutoFill>user names and passwords)?

Re: Safari persisting in autofilling old email address in forms

Avatar Douglas Cheney
You could try deleting the names from previous recipients in the mail program that might work

Re: Safari persisting in autofilling old email address in forms

Avatar Rick Churchill
Previous Recipients is under the Window Menu and is probably the culprit.

Re: Safari persisting in autofilling old email address in forms

Avatar Tricia Gray
Thank you all for the replies. Unfortunately I had tried the suggestions before asking the question, but nothing seems to work. I was wondering if there was a plist somewhere I could edit but can't find any. Ventura seems good at hiding things I used to be able to find easily.
My iMac cannot be upgraded beyond Ventura so I don't know if the more recent operating systems are more user friendly (the cynic in me says probably not!)

Re: Safari persisting in autofilling old email address in forms

Avatar Mick Burrell
I would have thought Stuart's suggestion would be the one to fix it - assuming you've deleted it from your Contact card.

Re: Safari persisting in autofilling old email address in forms

Avatar Tricia Gray
Yes, so would I.