Updated to Sequoia 15.1.1 and Image Capture ceased working, otherwise the Epson printer appears to function ok. Online forums mention problem but no solution other than buy in alternative scanner software. Epson drivers seem to be fully up-to-date. Presumably I have to be patient until Epson or Apple catch up ?
Apple say not up to them to find how to cure incompatibility because its software has to work with multiple makes of scanner, so speak to Epson. Epsons's AI Bot gives various bits of advice but ends by saying if all this doesn't work then click on its link to make closer contact with a human. BUT the link doesn't work.
Using Epson Scan 2 does the scan but only a full A4 sheet (part image editing not available).
HOWEVER I got Image Capture to work by unchecking "use custom size" (which normally I have always left as checked) and then checking it in again. So I've just got to remember this whenever I need to scan.