
Disappearing emails(with BT) , and help needed deciphering BT's Log

Avatar John Nicholas
Yet again I have problems with BT who deny responsibility and say my problem is caused by my Mac settings or it's Apple and they don't understand Apple !

Emails are sent to my domain address, then forwarded to my ISP/BT thus arriving on my Mac (running Sonoma 14.5). In turn BT settings retain a copy of the email but auto forward to a gmail address on another device.

BT admit its security system can be a bit tight and it will weed out and destroy suspect emails no matter what leniency I might have set myself !

The latest problem involves emails from some senders arriving at both the Mac and the gmail address fine. BUT some from the same sender in the same thread arrive at the gmail address (and can only do so if passing through my BT account) but are nowhere to be seen on the BT email site (not Spam Junk or anywhere).

BT now claim that its Log shows that a Mac deleted the emails just after they arrive. Well it wasn't me. They blame my settings or Apple. I asked why some emails in the thread stayed unharmed whilst others deleted. They repeated their claim about Log and Apple.

They are to send me the alleged Logs within a few days and I wonder when I receive them whether some AugWessex genius could offer to kindly look at the Logs and spot what might be happening?

I have told BT that I am not convinced because 2 days ago I made two parking bookings for Heathrow Terminal 2. Confirming emails were slow to arrive, so I went back from my Mac to view my BT email site direct which still didn't show the emails. After a delay they appeared in Spam BUT within seconds without me moving a finger one of the two disappeared and was not to be found in the bin., NOR did it appear on the gmail account !!

You may ask about my Settings.....

Mailbox behaviour says Erase junk >>Never
Trash Erase deleted messages>>Never
Junk Mail >>Mark as junk but leave in inbox
Rules>> I don't have any

Any suggestions ??

When I remind BT that some emails survive and others don't they continue to repeat their "Log Evidence" and blame a Mac is doing the deleting (mine is not sync'd to any other nor my iPhone), or Apple or Settings,.....or a glitch. I might agree re a glitch but to that BT shrug shoulders and say it is innocent.

Re: Disappearing emails(with BT) , and help needed deciphering BT's Log

Avatar Mick Burrell
You need the emails in both the BT and the Gmail account? (no doubt there's a plausible reason ;-)

You could try getting your domain host to forward to Gmail and Gmail to forward to BT rather than the other way round as it is now.

However, if BT are losing email then you could consider buying an email service from elsewhere - you domain host for example. (I think this is Easily who for their basic service charge £30 p/a - a little over 50p per week.)

Re: Disappearing emails(with BT) , and help needed deciphering BT's Log

Avatar Douglas Cheney
I have never used an ISPs email address. I have had an email address set up by my son in our surname, but have changed that to iCloud.com when spam was a problem

Re: Disappearing emails(with BT) , and help needed deciphering BT's Log

Avatar John Nicholas
Doug..... I don't outwardly use my BT email address, rather I use the Domain address. Thus if in the future I choose to leave BT as my ISP, I don't have to tell any of the many contacts only having to tell the Domain host to forward elsewhere.

Mick........I do not use iCloud and also I chose not to sync my iPhone with my Mac because at the time I (being a techno-idiot) was convinced I would delete something on one device and lose it on another. I know one can set things up to avoid this occurrence, but I found that the added advantage of running both BT and gmail gives me a fail-safe exactly in the situation I now find myself in when BT goes rogue, or as it did last year gmail went rogue (when these organisations tweak their security settings with unexpected consequences).

Re: Disappearing emails(with BT) , and help needed deciphering BT's Log

Avatar John Nicholas
BT took ages to send through its Logs, first they forgot , then they pleaded short staffing, then they needed 2 more reminders. But when they arrived I forwarded them to Apple who were similarly slow and and even now has still to respond. However at the third phone call to a Senior Apple Advisor (in Adelaide!!, who was most helpful) he could see nothing obvious to contradict BT's assertion that it was innocent. Equally, he was totally puzzled as to what had been causing the glitch. And until I can show Apple a recent email that got forwarded to gmail but without it being evident at BT, I now have to wait to see whether the problem reoccurs. If it does, a Senior Advisor will look at the Apple Logs (and send them to BT if appropriate).

However the problem has not repeated recently. The only things that have occured are:-

I have done a Safe Boot.
I updated from Sonoma 14.5 to 14.6 (which thus updates anything relevant in the Email App albeit the version number didn't change)
I did an adhoc data save, deleted the OS and reinstalled.
I have yesterday updated to Sonoma 14.6.1.

Adelaide chap suggested a further mod that I could try if the problem repeats, namely set up a different user account for the Mac including the email info and see whether it occurs on only one or both accounts. I will not do this just yet.

You may say, if the problem doesn't repeat, why worry about it. The truth is that if a "self deleted" email fails to get to gmail then I have no way of knowing that an email ever existed !!

Fingers crossed something behind the scenes in the last few weeks has cured the problem, even if nobody can say or own-up as to what caused it in the first place.