
Sonoma 14.4

Avatar Mick Burrell
I normally take with a pinch of salt those people who say "the latest update has wrecked my computer" but it seems that many people are having an issue with this update. One reliable source of refurbished Macs (MacFinder) has sent me the following as part of a Technical Support Notice:

Some users are facing issues after updating. These include problems with USB hubs and monitors, Java processes unexpectedly terminating, printer drivers being removed or corrupted, and crashes with audio unit plugins.

I guess enough people have been affected and possibly MacFinder have been able to confirm. If I wasn't too idle, I'd check with them ;-)

Re: Sonoma 14.4

Avatar Rick Churchill
I've got Sonoma 14.1.1

I had one case of Finder locking up and another when the computer advised running out of memory (Can't remember the exact message) and I found Mail had hogged a zillion Gbytes. It had been failing to send messages (and was reporting so) as it was unable to use the iCloud to send large video attachments. I was unable to stop it attempting when sending any other message - there was no Outbox. Force quitting didn't work.

Turning it off and on again fixed it.