
WAGs - Adopting / Supporting a Charity...

Avatar Terry Willis
I've made the suggestion that WAGs should consider adopting or supporting a charity. The type of charity I considered was one like "The British Heart Foundation", but obviously open to anyone's suggestion. I would have thought something that was close to members in one way or another, I know this opens it up to many different options both local and national, but it should be one that we as a group could relate too.

We could consider ways of supporting the charity, which might range from donating a certain meetings 'funds' raised, to holding a group wide publicity event or to helping out in some other way.

I know we are an Apple based group, but that does not mean we should not have other aims...

What does everyone else think?

Re: WAGs - Adopting / Supporting a Charity...

Avatar Lionel Ogden
I feel that this is one particular topic on which as many members as possible should be encouraged to give their opinions.
It would require a change to our constitution, which could be made at the next AGM if there was substantial support.
I think if we do decide to support charities we should choose a different charity every year and devote the proceeds from a particular meeting or event such as the Barbecue. It should not be a levy on the annual subscription.

Re: WAGs - Adopting / Supporting a Charity...

Avatar Mick Burrell
We could support Windows & Orphans :-)

Re: WAGs - Adopting / Supporting a Charity...

Avatar John Surtees
While the idea is a nice one, I feel it would be wise to keep in mind how much of the money raised, gets used on admin with some of the larger charities.

For the salaries of the Chief execs alone, see:

Personally, I feel, that maybe donating to a smaller more locally based charity, that could draw on our collective experience and use of Macs, might be worth considering. Maybe in the donation of kit and/or funding.

Re: WAGs - Adopting / Supporting a Charity...

Avatar Roy Rainford
Charity support is a personal decision & there are many ways of making a contribution. Afraid I don't feel enthusiastic about this particular suggestion at the present time in the group's development. It doesn't seem as if the group is overflowing with support for its own 'core' activities. (If the Bournemouth meetings are any yardstick!). I feel that our resources should remain concentrated on our prime aims.

Re: WAGs - Adopting / Supporting a Charity...

Avatar Terry Willis
A disappointing response. Thanks to all those who did bother to comment!

Re: WAGs - Adopting / Supporting a Charity...

Avatar Thomas Maude
I would support a charity as part of my Wags contribution - but I work in the care of the elderly sector so maybe I am biased - however I do think it is a good idea just as a normal everyday punter

Re: WAGs - Adopting / Supporting a Charity...

Avatar Michael Corgan
I agree with John's point of view - WAMUG is a locally based group and we should give, if we give at all, to local charities. I do se Roy's viewpoint, but perhaps it could be overcome by geting general agreement on what charity or charities should benefit each year at the AGM, when we have the annual accounts and know what can be disposed of.
I don't know how we could put funds to use to get people to come to meetings though! Wish I did!
Regardless of whether we decide to do this, I think it might be a good idea to incorporate into the constitution that in the case of the Group winding up any funds that remainshould be donated to specified charities. That would ensure that there would be no unseemly squabbling over the "spoils" in such an extreme circumstance.