This evening I wanted to find what I had won on the Premium Bonds. I did what I usually do on my iPhone, look up my Holders Number, double tap it and I get a list of options Cut, Copy, Paste, Replace etc., tap copy and then switch to the NS&I website tap on the entry field, tap paste and continue. Now when I double tap the number I get the two options, Select and Select All. Copy etc. has disappeared. This seems to be confined to .doc files. Notes and Mail are working as expected. Has anyone else noticed this? I cannot find anything about this on the internet.
I believe if you get an email telling you you've won, the place to check appears at the bottom of the email - you don't need to go to the web site.
If it only affects .doc files you could either update your version of Word so it saves as .docx (expensive option) or keep the number in an Apple app e.g TextEdit.
During this month I have migrated all my Microsoft Word and Excel documents into Apple Pages and Numbers documents and put them into iCloud as my old and no longer supported Docs to Go app will not sync the files between my devices anymore. This means that assuming I have an internet connection (which is not always) I can copy any codes/identification from these files now.
It is strange however that the copy function does not work on Microsoft documents.