
wi-fi copnnection lost

Avatar Michael Corgan
Our medical centre uses an online sytem for re-ordering prescriptions. However this is only permitted from one computer and the process of transferring the permission to another is complex. My wife can no longer use her MacBook and I have so far failed to transfer the prescription ordering to my iMac. Now,this morning, and for no apparent reason, her MacBook has dropped the wi-fi connection and does not re-connect although I am certainly using the correct password. My iMac is still connected (obviously!) and I don't know where to go from here. Fortunately it is possible to go the paper route to re-order and I am about to do that. But it will be so much quicker to do it online, so help is needed!

Re: wi-fi copnnection lost

Avatar Michael Corgan
PS I also tried joining the MacBook using my iPhone for a hot spot connection, but no joy there either

Re: wi-fi copnnection lost

Avatar Trevor Hewson
A bit of a long shot but when we had a number of (non-Apple) devices losing their wi fi connection a month or so ago, a restart of the router fixed the problem.

Re: wi-fi copnnection lost

Avatar Michael Corgan
Tried restarting the router Trevor - had multiple attempts with the router password - finally rebooted the MacBook and all is normal again. But no way of knowing why it dropped the wi-fi connection and then would not reconnect. Ideas welcome!