
dim screen Imac mid 2011 el Capitan

Avatar Eric Jervis
When I started up today the screen was about half as bright as usual. I restarted with the same result, so I started up again on Mountain Lion, still dim; restarted on El Cap same result, which made things very difficult to watch. However, I attended a Zoom meeting on which the screen was now normal brightness. The meeting has now finished and the normal brightness is still there.
Any ideas anyone?

Re: dim screen Imac mid 2011 el Capitan

Avatar Tony Still
Presumably you've tried the brightness control in System Preferences (on the Apple menu) in the displays section?

Re: dim screen Imac mid 2011 el Capitan

Avatar Eric Jervis
No, but I was hoping that there was such a thing! Hmm, I've had a look but it must be lurking somewhere and wearing a mask.....

Re: dim screen Imac mid 2011 el Capitan

Avatar Drew McFarlane
System Preferences > Displays > Brightness.

Re: dim screen Imac mid 2011 el Capitan

Avatar Eric Jervis
AHA! I've twigged it, silly me for trying to find it on my Mini.....
Thank you Tony and Drew, it is set to maximum brightness, but that doesn't explain why it would choose to alter its own settings willy nilly; I'll wait for it to happen again and check system prefs immediately. I suspect a hardware problem though, gulp.

Re: dim screen Imac mid 2011 el Capitan

Avatar Douglas Cheney
You also have on the keyboard F1 and F2 for altering the screen brightness

Re: dim screen Imac mid 2011 el Capitan

Avatar Eric Jervis
Thanks Doug, I'll give that a try!

Re: dim screen Imac mid 2011 el Capitan

Avatar Tony Still
As to how it happened, Doug may have put his finger on it (!).

Re: dim screen Imac mid 2011 el Capitan

Avatar Eric Jervis
Ooo, Tony, you are a one!

Re: dim screen Imac mid 2011 el Capitan

Avatar Eleanor Spenceley
This is a well known problem in IT support teams, they call it a 'PEBCAK' type error. (Ducking quickly for cover :-)

Re: dim screen Imac mid 2011 el Capitan

Avatar Eric Jervis
hee hee hee

Re: dim screen Imac mid 2011 el Capitan

Avatar Euan Williams
dimity | ˈdɪmɪti |
noun [mass noun ]
a hard-wearing cotton fabric woven with stripes or checks: a nightcap in white dimity edged with lace | [as modifier ] : gay dimity curtains.
late Middle English: from Italian dimito or medieval Latin dimitum, from Greek dimitos, from di- ‘twice’ + mitos ‘warp thread’; the origin of the final -y is unknown.

Re: dim screen Imac mid 2011 el Capitan

Avatar Drew McFarlane

Stands for Problem Exists Between Chair and Keyboard.

Re: dim screen Imac mid 2011 el Capitan

Avatar Eric Jervis
Y oh Y oh Y.....

Re: dim screen Imac mid 2011 el Capitan

Avatar Eric Jervis
just happened again - system prefs - displays - it had reset itself to dim - unchecked 'automatically adjust brightness' - wait and see......(fingers crossed)