In search for a new Website Builder

These days most people do not run native applications to build their websites, instead there are online companies such as SquareSpace, Shopify, Wix offer pretty good online web builders. The benefit of these businesses is it's really easy to build useful online shops with all the payment headaches pretty much handled for you.
The drawbacks to these sites is once you're in, you're in! It's hard to move to another web provider without rebuilding your website from scratch with their own tools. But more importantly (to me) these providers are expensive, you could easily be spending £30 a month to have your website with them.
But what if you just want a tiny website or a website you can move to other cheaper web host providers in the future?
The most popular Web Building App for the Mac is Rapidweaver. Problem is, no matter how much I've tried to like this App, I just cannot get to grips with it. Time and again, I find I am prevented from changing stuff in their rigid template frameworks. It is a very frustrating App!
So my search goes on and this weekend I think I might have found what I am looking for. The App is called Sparkle, it has recently had a major update. I find the interface intuitive, polished and pretty comprehensive. It is really designed for responsive web pages and if you wish you could create a web page similar to Apple's, it might get you close without the pain of being a web coder. It doesn't support 'template' pages so I wouldn't want to do a big site with it and online shopping requires some background 'hacking' at the moment but this app certainly has some potential...
Anyhow early days and I'll report further if I take the plunge and buy this App to do my small website.