Demonstrators wanted by Computer Warehouse @ MacLiveExpo
Terry Willis
There is to be an Apple Showcase at MacLiveExpo, sponsored by Computer Warehouse (who is also allowing us to put fliers advertising UK & Irish Mac User Groups in the give away carrier bags that they distribute free to all visitors at the entrance to the Expo).The MD, Jonathan Cole, has asked if there are any members of MUGs who would like to help out by manning the Showcase. I have asked him for details of the manning requirement, and in the meantime he has responded with the following offer. Please publicise this to your members, and get back to me with names of anybody who is interested. I will get details in the meantime of the numbers required, and what they have to do.
Michael Corgan
"if mugs want to help demonstrate Macs to the public we would supply the limited edition CW 20th anniversary
T-shirt and offer them a 10% discount off of there next Mac purchase from us"