
"Advance and be recognised !"

Avatar Euan Williams
I enjoy Brian Tapper's Sunday morning happy-times (See the weekly "Green" eMails from Mick, and now Barry Guyer). Maybe it's Claris the Croc lurking on the back of his sofa, or the good humour and eclectic content.

How our AUG-Wessex community recovers from the Covid setbacks and what mix of local face-to-face meetings and distant zoom encounters may work is important, and we ought to discuss it.

Stanford University News has published this about countering Zoom fatigue. Will members want to drive to distant meetings as often as 'before covid'? How are we to attract potential members who may find computers problematic and video-conferencing frankly intimidating?

Dorset Libraries used to keep a list of current clubs and societies for different interest groups which Mark Ford registered us with to good effect in Dorchester, but it seems not to have made it to their web presence; news anyone?

Local face to face meetings, welcoming old and new friends with a human face, are something that no amount of Zooming can realistically replace: suggestions "on a postcard please" ?

Re: "Advance and be recognised !"

Avatar Euan Williams
The Dorset Library site seems to have been transferred to their Dorset History Community Information page

"There are lots of museums, local history groups and other organisations around the county of Dorset. The following is a list of all of these organisations, and how to get in touch with them if you have a query. If we have missed your organisation out, please let us know"

Re: "Advance and be recognised !"

Avatar Georgia Cheer
One thing Euan I have to say is a big plus for the Zoom mtgs is that I have met others in the club who I would not normally meet or have any contact with as I don’t go to the meetings in other locations. Zoom allows more of us to ‘meet’ and see/hear faces/people we would not otherwise. Thanks to Zoom I see more members, and likewise they see me. Maybe we can encourage those members who aren’t using Zoom to give it a try with a step by step ‘quick’ guide.

Re: "Advance and be recognised !"

Avatar Roy Rainford
I support the “big plus for the Zoom mtgs” from Georgia and emphasise the benefit of them during Covid restrictions.
The weekly sessions have been a significant benefit on the Mac learning curve in my case and I would miss them if dropped. The organising and presenting by our Chairman and Treasurer is very much appreciated but I can’t expect them to continue with the present frequency. I am also grateful for the help from other zoom members.
I acknowledge the benefits of local face to face meetings but I am unlikely to find them as attractive as a zoom session on a cold, wet, winter’s evening!