
Yahoo mail scam?

Avatar Eric Jervis
This is the last of several 'spam' emails I've had recently, or is it genuine? Its from Yahoo, [undisclosed email]

Account Information

Dear User,
We are closing all old versions of Your Mail-Account as from today Monday! November (24/11/2020). Tap below to get a more organized mailbox to avoid being Deactivated.


Thank You.

YAHOO!----Mail Support

Re: Yahoo mail scam?

Avatar Trevor Hewson
Spam, I reckon. Yahoo would surely address you by name?

Re: Yahoo mail scam?

Avatar Eric Jervis
Thanks Trevor, I'll just keep my fingers crossed....

Re: Yahoo mail scam?

Avatar Tony Still
Sounds like a dodgy E-Mail.

Yahoo has some advice on how to recognise genuine communications from them on their website. You can click on the padlock icon in Safari's address bar to verify that this page really belongs to Yahoo (since you got the link from some random ne'er do well on the internet).

Re: Yahoo mail scam?

Avatar Eric Jervis
Thanks Tony, that's interesting. It obviously was a scam as my emails is still working....