
Securely empty trash

Avatar John Nicholas
A simple query perhaps......but then I'm a simple person !

My older iMac (mid 2011) running High Sierra, I wish to move on to sell or perhaps but less likely pass to another family member.

All data needed transferred to newer Mac for 2 months, and running smoothly. Data and files on old Mac are in Trash .

How does one "securely" empty the Trash rather than just empty it (which is insecure). My old Mac has an "ordinary" drive. One used to have 4 options depending on what level of erasure one wanted to achieve, but with High Sierra and with the appearance of Fusion Drives and SSD, Apple abandoned this facility.

I Googled for an answer but then glazed over between answers that said you can no longer do it, to another that suggested using Terminal (long screed of instructions but with a warning for new users of Terminal to beware).

Any simple guidance please.

Re: Securely empty trash

Avatar Tony Still
I think you're searching for the wrong thing (the options you described are in Disk Utility but you need to wipe the entire computer). If a Mac is going to a new owner, then you need to 'reset' it.

Apple describes the procedure here and it does include using Disk Utility which still has the options you described (that are usable with conventional [rotating, mechanical] hard drives).

For newer machines, Apple expects you to use FileVault to encrypt the entire disk. One advantage of this is that you don't need to erase the disk, just delete the encryption key to render it all unreadable (and that is done when you reset the machine and destroy your user log-in).

Re: Securely empty trash

Avatar John Nicholas
Showing my ignorance........ will all the Apps etc stay on the Mac as I desire if I do a factory reset and reinstall the OS or will they be lost ?

Re: Securely empty trash

Avatar Tony Still
That process returns the Mac to its "as-new" state so additional apps will be removed. The standard install (like Safari etc) will still be there. If you're after a different combination then I think I see why you were hitting complications.

If you're going to pass on the machine then can you not also pass on the original media (DVD or whatever) for any additional apps? A fresh install will guarantee that you have removed any lingering data from your own usage.

If you're using the additional apps yourself on a new Mac then your licence probably doesn't allow you also to pass them on - which arguably solves the problem a different way.

EDIT: One more thought, there are two secure file deletion programs on the Mac App Store that you could use. They both cost a fiver, just search for "secure file erase" [Disclaimer: I haven't tried either].

Re: Securely empty trash

Avatar John Nicholas
Thank you Tony. Easy when you know how. All done. Thanks.
Now to decide whether Grandson wants it or to sell the iMac ?