Broadband speed variations
David Fleetwood
For a while now I have been trying to work out why we have slow internet speeds in most of our house. I certainly need to look at something like a mesh wifi system but first I wanted to check the basic broadband speed coming into the house. Using the Which? broadband speed checker I fairly consistently get a download speed of 21 - 22 mbps and upload of 4+mbps - we have fibre broadband (fibre to exchange then copper wire to house - a distance of about 1 mile) and expected a speed in excess of 30mbps. However when I use the BT speed test as recommended by our b'band provider (John Lewis (=PlusNet), I get considerable variations within a fairly short space of time - 44 mbps is an estimated average but its can range from 4 mbps to 93 mbps. Upload speed is fairly consistent at 4.1 mbps.I have done all the usual things like an ethernet connection directly to the router, no other devices being used etc but I'm mystified why there is such a speed variation between the different tests. The cynic in me thinks BT might be showing enhanced results!
Does anyone have any thoughts on why there is this variation?