Aperture 3.4.5 misbehaving
Eric Jervis
I produced a slideshow with Aperture on Monday which was perfect; however,I've been struggling since Tuesday to produce another. I've produced a few of them over the years and all to the same pattern; e.g.18 slides with each one displayed for varying times so as to match the soundtrack. When I watch it in Aperture it plays perfectly but after I've rendered it to .mov it does not. What happens is that each slide remains visible for progressively shorter periods as the show progresses. i.e. slide 4 will be half a second too short and slide 16 is 35 seconds short, so you are hearing 16 whilst watching 18. Something has made Aperture unstable and I wasted a whole day yesterday testing various theories to no avail.GRRR...
I just did it again to check every last detail, shortening Slide 4's duration by half a second, waited 45 minutes for it to render to the desktop, and it is now perfect GRRR... Has anyone else had this problem?